Tuesday, August 12, 2008


A few years ago I was driving around a small Kansas town. It was a really hot day and not a soul was to be found outside. As I made a turn on one street, I saw some kids selling lemonade in front of there home. They had a rather dull looking table with a simple sign that read: "Cup of Lemonade for 50cent...", they had no customers. I kept on driving and at the end of the road I saw some more kids selling cold lemonade, but this time it was a lot different - they had chairs, a little umbrella for shade, and one kid was standing on the curve with a colored sign: "Cold Cup of Lemonade for 50cent".... And cars were stopping!
How do you get people to look at your business? Well the question is what you are you doing that's different that will make people look at your business? How are you standing out? What special offers are you offering? What is unique about your business?
When marketing your business it's very important to put yourself in the customers place and to try and see things from his/her point of view. You need to figure out how you can separate yourself from your competition.
I know of a business consultant who decided that he was going to make himself different by focusing on answering emails as soon as possible and not to leave anyone hanging. This little decision is what helped him become a successful business consultant. His clients knew that he was always there for them.
As you build your marketing plan - don't forget your USP!

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